Briefly, my husband and I married in late 2006, started ttc right away, had 2 mc in 2007 (June and October). In 2008 we finally made our way to an RE and IF clinic. We're now working toward transferring our first donated embryos. A couple of months ago I stumbled upon blogs I am.
Because of ICLW, I read many more postings than usual today. I am awe...of the events in your lives, and how you cope, and how you persist. I have carried the burden of my own loss and suffering and dashed hopes for two years now. I feel like (I am) a newby compared with a lot of you out there.
I just want you all to know how moved and touched I am by the stories you share, by your willingness to be vulnerable, by your strength in reaching out and in your endless determination.
I sat in my living room today and looked out over our back yard, awash in sunshine. At the little insects diving wildly in the air, this way and that. At how the sun glimmered on blades of green grass. At the few clouds drifting by overhead. And I thought of you all. Of your stories that I read.
If it matters at all to the Universe, I wanted to give you what I could. I directed all of my thoughts and energy outward to you all, urging for each of last...triumph and joy and every dream come true.
Thank you, for reaching me today. I am so moved.
I hope your cycle is a success! Sending lots of luck your way.
Aw, that was such a nice thing to say! Blogging is such a great outlet for me. Good luck with your cycle.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, always great to see a new face! Good luck with your transfer in May, I will be back to see how it went x
What a wonderful post! But you are right, the blog world is a lot smaller than it seems.
Best of luck to you!!
Happy ICLW : )
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