Thank you for your recommendations on how to handle asking for time off when responding to a job offer. You all made some excellent points and I feel more confident about it.
I spent much of the morning with my dogs and my mini-garden.
First, dogs. I have to show you pictures because they have been so adorable lately.
Maddy (aka Noodle Head) jumped in the planter box (naughty!) but looked adorable!
Daisy (aka Doodle) looked like a princess when she came back from the groomer (don't let her smiling face fool you....she barks like a ferocious guard dog).
You may remember that I am trying to grow heirloom tomatoes and cantaloupe from seed. I confess to knowing absolutely nothing about proper gardening technique. I g.oogle everything and do my best. I bought a kiddie pool, cut drainage holes in the bottom, filled it with dirt, and transplanted my cantaloupe into it.
I then read online that cantaloupe roots need at least 18 inches of depth to grow. Oops. Kiddie pool won't work. I transplanted them again in front of trellises. I covered the mounded dirt around them with black plastic (per online suggestion) and weighed the plastic down with bricks. Not so attractive, but maybe it will work. I have no idea whether they will get sufficient sun there, but I'm running out of options.
The tomatoes are in larger planters, where I think they will do fine.
Well, the weekend is nearly upon us. If I take this new job, my free time for all this doodling about will soon come to an end. Sigh.
wow, we even have maltese? me, one, you two?
they are sooooo cute!
were we separated at birth?
those doggies are seriously cute and adorable!
a friend of mine at work would want to dress them up in their own cute outfits!
as for the gardening - I am so heartened by so many people who I hear about starting to grow food - there is a first time for everything - good luck with it - I use google for all my gardening and cooking advice!
The dog pics are absolutely adorable!! If all those cantaloupe plants thrive and produce, you are going to have vines and melons coming out your ears! I usually plant about 2-3 cantaloupe plants and that is plenty for my partner and I. hehe.
You also might want to invest in some tomato stakes or cages. THose plants are going to get big and the fruit tends to be really heavy. You are going to have such fun with your plants this summer. I love how much I learn each year! Also are you giving the plants Miracle Grow? IT is a godsend.
Oh my goodness, in rereading my post, I sound like my great aunt myrtle. :)
if you have too many heirlooms, I know a blogger friend who would take some off your hands *cough cough*
I did cantaloupe last summer and I really really didn't take care of them. Only one of my seedlings fruited and then A BIRD ATE IT!!! So frustrating.
I'm going smaller this year and I am just doing sunflowers and corn. I need to transplant my corn seedlings asap, though.
Doggies are soo cute, by the way. :)
I LOVE your dogs - super cute :-) And congrats on the new job!! (I've been catching up on all the posts this morning). I'm sure they'll understand if you tell them when you can start. Look forward to reading about how it goes!
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