When I was a kid I'd go to a friend's house for the occasional slumber party. I was the kid who forgot to bring pajamas and always had to borrow a pair. Duh. So now, I have lists. I check them twice. Even if it is a last minute list, there is a list.
Oh, I found a cool gadget at the local hardware store to water some of my plants while we're gone. It's a small clay cone that you stick into the dirt. You screw a 2 liter bottle of water upside down to the top (like a water cooler). Something about the porousness and density and blah, blah, blah....suffice it to say that when the dirt gets dry, it sucks water from the bottle. Cool! I bought 6 of them for $20.
I know that I go on and on about this mini garden of mine, and I apologize if you're not into dirt and plants. It's just that it's exciting for me...I tend to kill plants....so I'm thrilled that my experimental garden has thus far worked.
Remember what they looked like a little over a month ago when I was going to take them with me to the hotel for our May 21 transfer? (the cantaloupe are on the left (7 of them in there!) and tomatoes on the right):
Well here are my cantaloupe now (there are three plants in this photo):
And here are the tomatoes (in the back, in front are cilantro, basil and red bell pepper):
A few other tomatoes are in the ground:
And the coolest thing of all is that this morning I found my first tomato!
Isn't it beautiful?! It is the size of a tiny pearl earring.
Well, what can I say? If something grows and needs nurturing, I'm your gal.
Of course, if someone needs the riot act red to them, if they're not fulfilling their contractual obligation, or if they give me an especially painful shot in the rump and some anger and tears need to happen, I'm your gal for that too. :)
Tomorrow we will be on the road most of the day. Thank you all for your positive thoughts, prayers and good vibes. I can use them! I will definitely check in and write a post after the transfer.
I want to wish good luck and send strong positive vibes to those who are also having transfers week. Musicmakermomma, Lorraine, Clean Slate, I am thinking of you!
Your plants look really healthy... and you call yourself a novice gardener. The cone/2 liter thing is really clever. Good thinking on that one.
SOoooooooo excited about your transfer. I will continue to say some prayers throughout your process.
I was thinking there were devices like that (watering thing) but I didn't know what they were called. Glad you found something; your garden looks great! I love when you talk about it, please keep us posted on that as well as the real topic here - ET!
Nice work on the garden!
Thinking happy thoughts for you this week. Good luck and we'll all be here for you when you get back, knocked up of course!
Whooooop! We're off. Good luck and thinking of you!
I needed the nurturing, attention and kind words.....and you were the first!!! I KNOW Mommyhood is on the way and you are going to be fantastic.
Huge prayers with sticky baby dust your way!!!
Can't wait to hear how it goes.
The garden looks great - hope your FET flourishes just as beautifully! Absolutely best wishes to you.
I am very into gardens and growing things and love hearing about and seeing your progress. Very impressive! And so many good vibes, and hopes and positive thoughts to you on this journey that will end in you having those gorgeous embies in your ute!( I just made up that word! or I borrowed it from someone else. ) Can't wait to hear how it goes!
Praying all goes PERFECT for you and you'll be growing more than plants! Can't wait to hear!
eeeek! so exciting!
I'm really pulling for you! I hope the thaw goes well, you have a perfect transfer, and get to be pampered for the next few days!!!
Sending all my good vibes your way!!!! Good luck and I can't wait for the update.
BB (Clean Slate)
I think today is your day (7/1) so good luck! Hopefully all our little frosties are ready to bloom.
wow your plants look amazing, I really wish I could grow things, I have a black thumb, I kill plants with love, too much sun, too much water, too much shade, my hubby has banned me from growing things :(
I'm keeping you in my thoughts, I hope the transfer goes really well and you get the chance to laze around being looked after.
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