Uh, that would be a no x 5.
In more happy news, yesterday was my final Delestrogen shot! Yay. My DH said he'll miss giving them to me. Yeah, buddy, thanks. Next week I'll finish up with the progesterone and then the baby aspirin.
Of course this all presumed the baby was still alive in there. I often still have doubts.
Today I had an NT scan. That's the test where they measure the width or thickness of fluid in the back of the baby's neck. A measurement greater than a certain number is a possible indicator of Down's Syndrome or trisomy 18. They use the number in combination with some other blood work results to give you an "odds" determination. I know my egg donor was only 21, but I'm a fact and information glutton. Must know.
My DH met me at the doctor's office. He hasn't seen an U/S in about a month, so I think he was excited to see the progress. I was first dumbfounded then thrilled with the tech told me to lie down on the table (don't I need to remove some clothing first?) and just unzip my pants. My first abdominal ultrasound!
No, my husband didn't stand or sit next to me, holding and squeezing my hand. He was standing toward the foot of the table, gazing intently at the big screen on the opposite wall. Watching the baby.
The tech was proficient and described everything. There's the heartbeat (159!). There's a hand. There's a foot. There's the other foot. That's the stomach. There's the heart (could even see chambers and blood flow!). There's the bladder. There's the brain. That's where the umbilical cord attaches to the placenta. She made the measurements and gave us a strip of 12 pictures when we were done!
Okay, the funniest thing was that the baby...well, it seems he is a break dancer. Or a popper or hopper or whatever they call them (I'm so out of touch). Lying flat on its back, it literally lifted upward, arched its back, and plopped back down. Twice.
Yes, I cried for a minute when the baby lifted its hand to its mouth. And what long legs! It even has a nose. Can you imagine?! A nose! Okay, every little thing is a miracle to me.
Here are the two best shots (in the second photo, the baby is not blowing a bubble, that's its hand!):
Based on the current risk assessment, as compared with the risk of miscarriage from CVS testing, I think we're just going to wait and do the second trimester blood test screening and go from there. I just have a gut feeling that things are fine and I see no reason to go digging around in there right now.
I also thought of a way to tell our news to close friends and family. I want to start on the project this weekend. My plan is to draw a little comic book. It will start with the donor parents who wanted a baby. How they went through IVF, successfully. How they wanted to help another infertile couple. How we were the lucky recipients. I'll cover the tests, the meds, the transfer, the wait. The BFP! And it will end with pictures of our u/s's. I figure this way, many of the questions will be answered and everyone will get a big picture of how it all worked. Once I get it done, I'll post some of the pictures that I draw for it.
I love this post!
For starters the names your DH likes makes Joey's suggestions of "Hunter" or "Montana" sound like winners. :)
Secondly I love your idea for how you will tell your family and friends. I also love that you will answer their questions at the same time.
Also, congrats on the pants on ultrasound! The results are amazing. You have an actual baby in your belly... the pic with the little hand made me laugh out loud.
WV: presto
I love your photos and your descriptions - brought tears to my eyes. Oh, I'm so interested in the details of how and what you are telling family and others about your experience. It looks like we are either going to be doing donor embryo or donor egg/sperm for our last and final attempt before complete bankruptcy. If it works, I have no idea who, what when we'll tell etc.
Aw, what lovely u/s pictures!! That's a real baby in there! I know what you mean about sometimes doubting there's a real baby in there. I'm a couple of weeks behind you and have also been lucky enough not to have much in the way of pregnancy symptoms, so sometimes I wonder if Peanut has just vaporized. But so far, so good...
It 's so funny your husband is Dutch - I happen to be half Dutch (mom). DH and I have picked a boy name from his side of the family. It's Irish: Finnbar (we'll call him Finn). So we decided if it was a little girl, maybe we'd go with a Dutch name to be fair. Well, let me say that while I love Holland and Dutch people, the girl names do not exactly inspire. Aafje? Edeborg? Walderude? Oy! We'll keep looking, maybe Dutch celebrities have something that might translate to the U.S. a little better but we'll likely have to abandon this plan ;).
Finally, I'm very interested in your decisions about CVS testing. I have one scheduled for 2 weeks from now and I'm feeling very torn about it. Like you, my gut says that everything is OK with this baby (does everyone feels this way?). I'm going to have my first OBGYN appt next week and I'll discuss it with my OB. I'm 50/50 right now about whether I'll go through with it. Comgrats on a good NT scan! You didn't say the results, but I assume all is good or you would have mentioned it!
Woot woot for keeping on the pants!!
WHAT A PRECIOUS LITTLE ONE! LOVE the comic book idea-too cool!
isn't it nice to not have to drop trousers? :)
congrats on a perfect US!
beautiful pics, congratulations!! and hooray for pants-up ultrasound! :)
cant wait to see the pictures for the comic book, what a great idea!
The names crack me up. Sounds like something my DH would pull, only we'd end up with names from Ocean's Eleven...like Linus or Rusty. Very cool u/s pics, btw. Can't wait to hear the details on the amazing surprise you have planned to tell family!
And thanks again for your comment the other day. Turns out, you were spot on. ;)
Oh my goodness, look at that baby!!! YOUR baby!!! Yay! Love your plan for sharing your news - can't wait to see the pictures you come up with. REALLY happy for you and all the joy you have in your belly!
Hey! I had my NT scan today, too! So happy to be able to have pants-on appointments...
I think the name process is just something you have to work your way through. Let him get the Dutch names and the 70s hunks out of his system and you'll be fine by the time you have to actually come up with a name. I think...
Hmmm dutch. What could you use which would discourage this weirdness...
Dutch themed names which may encourage him to be open minded...:
Oven. (Trapping your spouse under covers when you fart, or a cooking pot)
Orange. (National colour)
Carrot. (Vegetable they manipulated to celebrate national colour... [was originally purple])
I mean.. if gwenyth paltrow can name a kid apple, carrot cant be that bad!
Great ultrasound pics - your tech was great to show you all those body parts, I didn't get nearly that level of detail!!
That sounds like a great way to tell your friends and family. When I was considering egg donor, I didn't know if I wanted to tell friends and family about the details, I very was conflicted. I think it's easier when you know exactly what you want to share and it sounds like you feel very comfortable with it. Can't wait to see pictures of it!
found you through the comment section of another blogger. Love your story! congrats on your beautiful baby on the way. :)
your idea about doing the comic book is a great one, please share when you get it done, and good luck with the naming process...
congrats on your NT scan, you got such sweet little pics, it's good to see bubs is in there and doing fine and congrats on the final Delestrogen shot!
Baby names are the bane of my exsistance right now, my hubby is being stupid and suggesting names like Orian and Ion which both rhyme wiht our surname (boys name begining with R). I think he wants the poor little guy to be teased his whole life! Strangely enough we also have girls names we agree on - boys names are so hard! Good luck :)
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