Thank you, everyone, so much for your thoughts, support and information about short femur measurements and "soft indicators." You guys are great at talking a person off the ledge. Not that I was at the jumping point, but -- sheesh -- I was definitely caught off guard with news I didn't expect and angry as hell at those who knew but elected not to tell me. Your comments were soothing, reassuring and exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you.
Also helpful is that I spent a good deal of the weekend doing more cleaning! My DH was out of town visiting his mom (along with Wacky P and her clan - thank you very much but I think I'll stay home), so I had the house to myself. I opened cupboards and went crazy. Bags and bags of trash went out. Documents shredded. Linens reorganized. Rarely used items consolidated and put out of the way. I hung a shelf. I emptied a desk that we plan to get rid of. I washed and wiped my heart out. In between it all I stopped to make a nice pot of home made soup.
Yes, I am beginning to feel the nesting bug bite at my heels. And it feels so good.
Mike got a job and other updates
5 years ago
Wow, you were a busy bee this weekend! I'm glad you're feeling so good about nesting, the perfect time of year. You certainly put your nesting to good use! Good work avoiding Wacky P. ;)
Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Good for you for taking care of yourself and your nest!
Ah... the nesting has kicked in! it is a good feeling, right? Especially when you have a produtive weekend, good for you! It gets even more fun when you move from cleaning and purging to organizing and decorating!!
Oh pretty lady! what a stressful week, and what a great and productive way to ease through it! So glad you got so much done!
Holy shit will you come to MY house? Will trade some canned tomatoes, pickles, and a swine flu shot! ;)
So glad you are nesting and calmed now. God created the perfect baby for you. You are being strong and I feel everything is just fine with your sweet boy! HUGS!
:) Nesting is a very nice sign and I am glad you are feeling better. Did you read the week 23 progress at the right? Your boy can most likely recognize voices now. How cool!!!
I love having freshly cleaned cabinets, all de-cluttered and un-dusty! Glad you didn't have to deal with WP this weekend, that would have been just too much stress...
Oh I'm sorry I've been out of touch! When is your next u/s?? I hope it was just one of those things and you are reassured when you get the new results. Of course, this never ends now until you die - worry about the baby/child/grownup will consume your life (congratulations!).
So glad your house is all orderly. REALLY must get preggo so my house gets a good cleaning! Ha. Maybe now that I'm not at death's door I will rouse myself a bit before guests arrive next week for T-day. Take care!
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