Well, that's me.
Yesterday I had an OB appointment. Baby BWUB is still breech. The doctor said there is still time for him to turn, but it is likely that he will remain breech. If so, my two options are manual version or C-section. As I posted previously, I will opt for the C-section.
Now that the taste of a possible C-section is becoming more of a reality, and visions of labor and vaginal birth are dwindling like a fading dream, I'm a bit disappointed. But as I've always maintained, the most important thing to me is getting the baby here alive and healthy.
If I have to go the C-section route, the doctor said they like to deliver between the 39th and 40th week. I thought 3/10/10 might be a good birth date. Unless, of course, I go into labor before then, in which case, the baby will decide his own birth date!
I also asked the doctor when I ought to quit working (after all, I am becoming more and more uncomfortable and there is no place to lie down in the office). She said in a very matter-of-fact way that in California, pregnant women automatically qualify for disability leave as of the 36th week of pregnancy. Therefore, she said, when I have my next appointment (at 36 weeks) I can decide what I'd like to do and the doctor's office will complete and file the paper work.
But I think I'll do the extra week and finish out February.
We're still waiting for delivery of the crib and dresser. The earliest we might expect them is the first of March! Who knows. The baby may very well arrive before his furniture! Just in case, I've been washing clothes and putting them in his closet. It's not very neat since everything has to be jammed in there until we get the furniture, but even in its chaotic state, I love looking at and touching all the sweet things.
Look at you beautiful!!! what a figure you have, just a bump! Sorry the baby is a bit stubborn but really like you say, if it has to be C-section so be it, it's not the end of the World and won't involve tearing down below!! Much love, Fran
You are SO FREAKIN adorable and TINY! GIRL, so happy you can quit working soon so you can just lay around and keep baking BWUB babe! Looks like you are prepared. We never used a crib until ours are big anyway just a bassinette next to the bed for easy nursing :) HUGS! LOOKIN GOOD!
Holy cow! I hope I look that good when I'm 43. Wait, who am I kidding, I don't even look that good at 31! You are just all belly, so cute!
Sorry to hear the baby boy is still breech. As you know, I understand your disappointment. But you've still got lots of time for him to turn, you just never know what may happen. And as long as he arrives safe and sound, that's all that really matters.
His closet looks well stocked and ready to go. Even if he has no dresser, at least we know he won't be running around naked!
I'm getting so excited for you! Little boy BWUB will be here before you know it!
Wow, you look great! And I can't believe all the clothes in that closet! Best of luck during these next few weeks.
You look fantastic! What a beautiful belly!! I love the closet photo, all those clothes look so sweet!! :-)
May I offer one bit of unsolicited c/s advice? Granny panties. I'm talking elastic band at your navel sexiness. Anything cut along your bikini line will irritae the incision. I had to send my mom out on an emergency target run!
Looking good momma. Wow, your pg is passing fast! The closet looks fab. I am glad that you are finding ways not to stress.
3/10/10 is a perfect date! (3/10 happens to be my husband's birthday...)
I've known people who have had the external verison done and then the baby just flips back around. Seems like some of them just don't like to be upside down, and I can't say I blame them...
Hey, you look great!! You will snap back to your pre-pg body in no time, you're carrying so nicely!
I love the closet, that's my favorite thing about my nursery, ust looking at all the clothes. They're all so adorable....
And don't worry at all about getting the furniture. Aysia is 6.5 weeks and we haven't used the crib or dresser yet, just the pack n play as the bassinet and the changging table add-on
You look beautiful! You are just the bump! I can't believe it is getting SOO close. I'll be praying that BWUB will do a flip here soon...and if not, Granny panties are definitely the way to go!
OMG the closet is adorable all lined up, and so are YOU!!! I can't believe how close you are. It seems like just yesterday you were making a list and packing for the trip to SD. Crazy weird. But very cool. Congrats!!!! P.S. Could you please go have some In N Out for me? It's like the only thing I've ever craved on this ride.
Thanks for "coming out of the closet" for us!!! You do look amazing and pregnancy definitely agrees and looks so good on you!!
My son's closet looks very similar to that, and we have had a dresser -- for the last 3 & 1/2 years!
NJ had the same 36 week cut off/eligibility for maternity leave, and I took full advantage of it! That is great it is right around the corner.
My only piece of assvice I have for you with the c-section--ask your doc if you should/are supposed to drink that stuffs that clears you out before the surgery. I didn't have that with my daughter (it was an emergency section), but did with my son. I would have 100 babies like I did with him. It was GREAT. (and I totally agree with anofferingoflove & Holly with the Granny panties)
I can't believe it is so down to the wire now!!! Can't wait to see this little man of yours!!! (please tell me you will post pics of him??)
Wow, you look amazing.
You're right, getting the baby here safely is the most important thing, I think you've always had a good attitude towards medical intervention - don't let the natural birth nazi's get you down and don't beat yourself up, a c-section is still pretty hard work and recovery is slow.
I hope your furniture arrives on time and you can have everything sorted by the time you bring bub home :)
Looking good! You're close now! Wow! I hope that whatever happens with the birth that it goes well and fusspots stay away!
Just found your blog through someone on my own blog roll. I'm also using donor embryos (created from a donor egg cycle).
Anyway, was reading about your high estradiol level last May and was wondering if the doctor told you how/why that would be bad for the cycle and cancelled it.
And you look amazing - just a big basketball for a belly. Best wishes to you!
Look at you, you gorgeous mama!!! WOW. Stunning AND pregnant! I can't believe it's 34 weeks already...you've coped so well with this pregnancy, you've made it look easy! And oh-my-goodness-look-at-baby's-closet! It is so sweet-looking I can feel my blood sugar spike!
I'm sorry to hear about the C-section and giving up the vaginal birth if necessary, but you seem so balanced and calm about it and I think this is the most important thing.
Can't wait to see your beautiful baby boy!!!
Hey, thanks so much for stopping by to reply.
I'll tell you why I had a particular interest. My E2 on a FET has usually been in the 400-600ish range at transfer and I did have success last summer (though m/c at 9 weeks). But last cycle my E2 was 1,400 on CD16. I was shocked. It's never been that high even when I was pregnant. And I had a TON of mucus (sorry for the TMI) and wound up with a "pocket of fluid" in my uterus - which is why my last cycle was cancelled. So I wonder if the extremely high E2 didn't have something to do with that fluid in my uterus and just wonder if that's why they don't want your E2 so high.
I dunno - just trying to wrap my head around it and pray it's not a repeat performance this cycle with the fluid.
My E2 at CD7 was 215, which I'm much happier about.
I'm going to add you to my blog roll - so good to have found another donor embryo girl. :)
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