Yesterday, mile by mile, we made our way back home. We arrived in town at 3 pm and went to pick up our dogs. We got home at about 4. I took the dogs into the back yard while my husband unloaded the car.
I really wanted to see my plants. How many would be beyond resuscitation? How many would be drooped and wilted, yet perhaps could be saved with loving care and lots of water? How was my single, pearl earring tomato? What about the plants that didn't have access to any water while we were gone? With a bit of trepidation, I glanced around the yard, then walked to each plant to inspect.
I simply could not believe what I saw. Everything was not only alive, it was thriving! Like, better than when I was hand watering them. Could I have been doing too much? The self-watering system worked great!
The cantaloupe vines were several inches longer. And there is a pepper plant in the front that looks much healthier than when I left it.
My tomatoes and the red bell peppers are big and green and happy. The flowers of the cilantro went berserk, are now 3 foot tall and look like shaggy hair, but everything else is just happy as can be!
I had some additional cantaloupe planted in a large wooden planter, amid some flowering shrubs. You know, I just put them in there because there was space. What the heck do I know? Now, everything has grown WILD and is all intermingled:
Oh, my pearl earring tomato! Remember? Here's how it looks now:
And the red bell peppers have new babies too!
I tell you, I don't understand it. But I'm happy about it. In the first photo above you can see the upside down soda bottles full of water. I think I'm going to leave them in place for a while. They seem to be doing a better job than I!
Definitely glad to be home. :)
I happen to believe the plants symbolize new life and they are growing and thriving.........a sign of more "things" headed your way!!!!
Grow embies, grow.....
what a symbolic welcome home! enjoy your own space and place!
Your plants look fabulous. I admit that I was a bit worried for them also since I water my garden about every other day. Seems as though you found a great substitute.... now go lie down!
wow - your plants look great! I am so hoping that your little one is growing inside just as happily and feeling just as nourished! I hope things continue to go really well! everything crossed over here for you:)
Tomatoes don't like to stay too wet - they also love a bit of eggshell crushed into the soil. Something about calcium...
Keep it up, and keep yourself well-tended to, also!
I have been on vacation, so I missed all the excitement, but I am SOOOO stoked to see that 1) you have stuff growing in your garden and 2) you might have other stuff growing! I have all my fingers crossed for you (Im obviously typing with my advanced telekinetic powers), and have never been so anxious for someone to pee on a stick and smile as I am right now, for you and your dh.
Welcome home...and to such good vibes! I envy your canteloupe. Ours struggle every year, and often don't make it at all. Counting the days for your POAS...
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