I came home from the lab and took my dogs for a walk. Here is a photo of us I took with my cell phone (I was intrigued with the shadow distortion):

As I wait for my beta, I thought I'd share with you the current state of my garden. I think you can click on any of the photos to make them larger.
The single tomato is growing by leaps and bounds.
And more new tiny tomatoes have finally appeared (for a while I thought I'd end up with just the one after all this work!). See how I'm always peeking up inside to see what is going on in there?
There have been some casualties. Some feasting and mysteriously disappearing parts (in the second photo, notice the arms with nothing attached to them!).
Some yellowing and unexplained breakage.
But overall I'm pleased with the progress.
My bell peppers are deliriously happy. Peppers popping out everywhere.
The cantaloupe has been my biggest challenge. Managing the vines. How much water to give. Not stepping on them. Waiting for fruit. The other day - finally - I noticed that some of the flowers have swollen little bellies beneath them. Fruit? I think so! They are barely bigger than a green pea, but hey, we all have to start somewhere!
My cilantro bit the dust. I'm wondering if I can lop off the top mess and replant in the ground for better results. The flowers took over and then the leaves died off.
I haven't harvested a single piece of fruit yet, and already I'm thinking and planning for what I want to plant next year! I think I've become a garden addict!
Keeping my fingers crossed that you get a nice big number on your beta. Your garden looks great. I planted a container garden, myself, for the first time this year. I did tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, basil and cilantro. My tomatoes started like yours - I only had one for the longest time, but now I have like 14 all growing at once. The first one is just now starting to ripen, so I'm afraid they'll all ripen at once. I've already eaten 3 zucchinis from my zucchini plant - that one has been great. My pepper plant has been lagging behind but I finally have a couple of small ones - nothing like yours! My cilantro bit the dust as well, but the basil is doing great. Good luck with your veggies and your beta. I'll be checking back later today!
You are doing good girl! You are gonna be a "swollen little belly" before we know it, just like your cantaloupe! Off to acupuncture, I will check your beta and pray for goodness while I'm in sleepy acupuncture time!
Your garden is doing great! I have only a balcony but I'm growing rosmary (doing well), basil, mint, strawberries (had 4 so far!) and thyme. Thinking of you and you beta, I probably will be able to read only tomorrow morning (European time!) but I keep everything crossed for you. Love, Fran
ps: thanks for you comment on my blog!
I love those pics. Your garden seems to be doing well. I spray my plants with Neem concentrate-- organic oil stuff you mix with water-- and it keeps the bugs away (mostly). I also love the way you describe the little tiny melons.
Okay clinic, enough waiting around now. We want some beta answers!
That is a funny picture of you with the shadows!!! You look like a towering giant!
Can't wait to hear your results!
When I had stems with no leaves, it was tomato worms.
Scroll down to my June 23rd entry. Pics included. UGH!!!!!!!!!
good luck to you. fingers crossed for a great beta. Well done for not going totally nuts!
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