And I'm behind in responding to blog awards. I'm always flattered and honored, but then feel a bit overwhelmed at the subsequent obligations. I hope no one minds if I just say "thank you" and try to get to them another time. I adore you all anyway, and I hope you know that.
Now then. I had an U/S today.
My only concern this week (you won't believe it) is that I feel so good. Can everything be going okay if I feel this good? My nausea is so mild that if I don't think about it, I forget about it. I'm getting through my days without feeling too tired. My body feels good, almost no bloat. I feel so....normal. Weird.
So, feeling good was my complaint.
I had the same newbie doc as last week. Young, handsome, very very nice, but oh-so green. He had trouble getting the machine up and running. Then he forgot to switch off the light, so as he got started, wand in place, screen turned so I could see it, and searching around to find baby, I said, "Oh, can you turn the light off?" You know, it's just so much easier to see the screen in the dark. But I immediately realized he wouldn't be able to hold the wand and reach the light switch. He said, " you think you could reach down here and support the wand for moment?"
So, yes, I reached down and held the wand in it's place....and I must tell felt a bit naughty.
Anyway, we finally got under way. He showed me the heart beat first. Always the most important thing. Hello flickering light. So nice to see you! Again he had a bit of difficulty getting a really good view. Where is the crown and where is the rump?
At some point, he got a really great image. Oh my gosh, it looks like a baby! Well, sort of. The profile of a skull. A hand? Or is it a foot? But less drumstick and more baby, no doubt. He said, "This one's a keeper! I'll print two, one for you and one for us."
So here's the latest:
Now just in case you're having trouble making it out, here's an artist's rendition (mine) of what I see when I look at the U/S (I only see 3 limbs, so I can't tell if the far limb is a hand or foot):
The little white cheerio in the upper left is the remnant yolk sac. The doc said it will disappear soon as it integrates with....something.
Heartbeat is scuttling along at 170. Baby measured 9 weeks 0 days even though I'm technically only 8w4d.
After the appointment, we had a discussion about enrolling me as a regular OB patient. They will coordinate with the Clinic until I finish my medication regimen, but I am going to be a real OB patient starting next week. I actually teared up while standing at the counter, making the appointment. The girl said, "Congratulations" and I said, "It's a big step" as I wiped a tiny tear.
My husband is out of town on business until tomorrow, so he's excited to see the new picture.
I took my new U/S picture, the paperwork I need to fill out for next week's appointment, and went to work. I had plenty to smile about today.
CONGRATULATIONS OB PATIENT!!! What an exciting time, I am so happy for you. Your LO sure is a gorgeous one and a keeper!
Your posts almost always crack me up and the "naughty" line had me ROFL!! I had to read this one to my H.
Thanks for the uplifting post and for sharing such amazing news.
So glad you are feel well too.
What beautiful news and a great pic! Thanks for the "translation" sketch - it helped me a lot!
Wow - you feel good, you have a nine week old baby in your tummy and your doc is playing naughty with the wand with the lights on! What a triumph! And you are going to be a regular OB patient ( and teach the doc a thing or two into the bargain!) Yippee!!!
I am so happy for you! And you give gals like me hope that we might be next!!!xoxoxox
She's adorable. That's right, I said "she". That's my prediction. :)
Awwww. Soooo snuggly! i think it's kindof adorable how babies always look like theyre just lazing in a hammock when they're in utero. Its like they get what the rest of us dont- sit back, relax, and let things just get done... they relax and then as they get closer to birth, they start getting all those normal people tendencies- they start getting bored and kicking and making you crazy. Channel your babies relaxo vibe. enjooy the lack of illness!
I love your artist's rendition, so adorable. Congrats on graduating to the OB, you must be so pleased!
Soooo exciting! The pic is wonderful. The heartrate is perfect and the baby is measuring ahead. All that has to make you feel such relief. I think you may get to be one of the lucky ducks without many symptoms. After all you have been through you really do deserve an easy pg. BTW: we miss you too; alas you must take care of yourself so I am impressed that you are letting some of the little things go a bit.
Great news! Too funny about your young doctor making you feel naughty - I had to laugh! Thanks so much for the artist's rendition - I never quite know what I'm looking at when I see these things but baby looks beautiful! Glad to hear you are feeling good - if that's the worst of your complaints, I'd say that's pretty darn great!
Naughty girl! Congratulations on movin' up to the OB!
What a fantastic milestone!! OB patient!!! wowooowwowo!! I'm so happy for you my friend. The U/s is really cute, but your drawing wins the medal!! Feeling good, when you know everything is good, is actually a good thing.
Thanks so much for your comments, always so calming for me. Lots of love, Fran
WHAT A PRECIOUS ONE you've got there! I am so thrilled for you! Especially since you're MOVIN ON UP! to the OB WOO HOO! Blessings! Glad you are feeling so great!
Oh this is such happy news! Didn't you feel wonderful when you saw that flickering thumpy thump thump? I'm so happy for you. Enjoy your pregnancy and being an OB patient!
I'm so excited for you! Yesterday was a big day for you... heartbeat, graduating to OB, a litlle naughty with a handsome doc. Sounds like a great day to me!!
And I love your drawing, how cute! You clearly have that medical background to enable you to see the body parts, when most of us see blobs!
Have a great weekend!
congrats on your graduation and a beautiful little baby!! what a weird thing with the wand, but all is well that makes you smile :)
wow! OB patient! OMFG. And look at that little peanut. So inspiring and fills me to the gills with hope!
Wow you're graduating! That's awesome. Was LOL, when I read you're wand story. That's a good one. ;)
So happy to see your news!
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