Just a quick update post (it's late and I really want to stretch out on the couch).
Work has picked up nicely. I now have several cases to dive into, all interesting matters and I find the hours are ticking by. Yay! I mentioned something to my boss about not knowing what is expected of me, and she quickly assured me that I should be working with others on teams to learn the ropes. I am not expected to know the full job at this point and everyone needs time when they are new to get up to speed. Another yay for a supportive boss!
Tonight I wanted a chocolate bar. I really, really wanted one. My DH and I rummaged through the pantry because we both thought there had been a chocolate bar stashed away in there. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I think I "re-hid" it so that he wouldn't find it. Except now I can't remember where I put it! Serves me right!
Thursday I have to go with a small group of people from the office out of town to a presentation. We'll carpool 2 hours each way. The presentation will take up most of the work day. My only concern is that I have to finagle a way to take my progesterone suppositories around noon. I'm anticipating there will be distinct "breaks" during which we all get up...go to the bathroom....and stretch, before resuming. My procedure takes me a little time, unzipping my bag, opening the ziplock bags, fumbling to load the contraption... I know I'll find a way. I've just been obsessing about it. I can't wait till Friday is here.
Did I mention how badly I'd like to have a chocolate bar?
Mike got a job and other updates
5 years ago
Hi -- here by way of EB and just de-lurking to say that I totally get the not wanting to tell. I didn't want to tell anyone about my IVF-pregnancy and because I carried small and didn't show much, there were some people (clients, work people) who I didn't tell until well into the second trimester. First I was worried, etc.; Second, I didn't want to have to deal with all the advice, etc.; Third, well, I just wanted to keep it to myself. Enjoy your "quiet" time of just knowing. Best of luck!
You're right - it'll be fine. I was a bit freaky about the whole bag of goodies and bathroom scene at work Truth is, most people that take any notice put it down to 'girlie things'.
Do glad work is going well for you. YEY for a great boss.
No where did you put that chocolate!
good luck with the progesterone on thursday. i agree with the pp'er - i think most others in the bathroom will just assume you are fumbling for a tampon (if they even notice at all). maybe give the other women a head start so the bathroom has cleared out some towards the end of the break?
Yesterday's post cracked me up. You can tell people when you damn well feel like it. How's that? And I'm sure you'll manage the bathroom issue just find. Just try not to drop anything on the floor!
So glad you are doing so well! I hide TONS of stuff from my DH so he won't inhale my goodies LOL! You sound happy!
Been there done that with the suppositories in a public bathroom. Not the ideal situation, but manageable. I always have a bunch of suppositories with me in case I dropped one! I also purchased several applicators in case I couldn't wash one right away, I could just bring it home and wash them at night in private...
And yeah, it's good to have stashes of chocolate. I drive DH crazy about this. He has a sweet tooth like me, but he has a physical job, so he can eat what he wants and look good. Not so for me! So I tell him he needs to hide the candy in his man cave, or in high cabinets I can't reach, so I'm not eating the junk all the time. In a normal candy craving, I'm too lazy to go find it or climb on a chair. But when I HAVE to have it, I can usually find something to satisfy me with moderate effort!!
What are DH's for if not to go on midnight runs to soothe the pregnant wife's cravings?? You must learn to use your sutuation to your advantage. ;)
How did it go today? I hope all was well, and that you found a chocolate bar at some point! I hide goodies on my husband, too, and I have forgotten about them myself more than once! It's all fun and games until you lose a chocolate bar that you're suddenly craving!! ;-)
Thanks for your kind comments on my blog - I find them really helpful!
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