So it seems that baby boy is growing. I have the belly to prove it! Amazing how the growth is now picking up speed. Even my secretary commented that I look noticeably bigger. It's true.
My thighs and behind are bigger too, but, oh well. There will be time enough to work on that another day.
NEW INFO: I had my glucose tolerance test today. God, I hope I don't have gestational diabetes. I have been eating mini candy canes like crazy and can't imagine giving them up now. I also had a doctor's appointment and I gained SIX POUNDS since last month. I thought that was huge. The doctor looked at the overall picture and said I'm right on track as far as total weight gain. 26 weeks - 19 pounds up. She figures at this rate I'll end up having gained right about 30 pounds by my due date, which is the recommended. But I must say, it feels weird to weigh more than I ever have in my life. (of course, if I could stop with the candy canes already...)
In the "Wow, I wasn't expecting that" category, last week one morning one of my male colleagues came into my office - and gave me a gift bag! He and his wife have 2 little ones, so I had picked his brain a few weeks ago about day care. He talked with his wife about my pregnancy, and she bought and sent me baby gifts! This is a woman I've never even met. How sweet was that?! And I must say, she has wonderful taste. Adorable outfits and toys.
I was stunned and couldn't say thank you enough. Of course my co-worker admitted he had no idea what was actually in the gift bag as I proceeded to open it. And he also admitted not really "getting" why women coo and fawn over baby clothes.
But I am really touched. I showed the gifts to my secretary, saying they were the first gifts anyone had gotten me. She grinned and said, "Mmm, no they're not...they're just the first ones you've received."
What great people I work with.
It almost makes the 12 hours I worked on Saturday seem worth it.
I'm working this weekend too, but hey, March (and my due date) is right around the corner.
Besides, I jokingly (well...not really) told my boss I'd likely be up to my eyeballs in this case until the day my water breaks. Then I will be gone on mat leave. The problem with that is that my other work - the work I was actually hired to do before being sucked into this huge litigation case - won't get looked at until next summer at the earliest. To my utter delight, she said they interviewed and hope to hire another attorney, who should start work in January, to take over the lead on this big litigation case! That way I can pull out of it (by and large) and finish up my other work and cruise into my maternity leave without the stress of working day and night on this grueling case. I was thrilled. It can't happen soon enough. Pretty soon I need to start thinking about pediatricians and birthing classes and shopping for baby things and...doing the FUN things that I have waited years to do!
Just this morning my DH said, "So you're just about 6 months then, right?" And I said, "No, in 2 weeks I'll be 7 months." And it was like a brick hit him in the head. "We'd better start getting things ready then!" he said.
Ya think?
First of all, those pants look comfy - I want some and I'm not pg!! Second, baby boy is definitely making himself known but if mini candy canes are your biggest vice, I'd say you were OK.
So happy to hear that the folks at work appreciate you and all your hard work, and that they'll be getting you some help after the new year.
Sounds like you're handling everything like a trooper and there are calmer days ahead!
SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Looks like God is assisting in getting things all lined out for you! YA' THINK-UH YEAH! You have lots to do and just a bit of time left! Seems like just yesterday I was eamiling you jealous that you were almost ready for your transfer and I had to wait! LOOK AT US NOW!! YEE HAW!
I couldn't be happier for you!!! You look great!!!
I just love husband's comments- sometimes it is like, where have you been???
belly belly belly envy! i love your photo and you look great!!
hope your getting enough rest ... not to nag or anything!
That's so nice of your colleague and his wife. I've been experiencing some of the same kinds of things - it's amazing how pg brings out such nice things in others. And it sounds as if your office is planning you a shower!!! :)
Great belly shots, but just you wait - it gets a lot bigger! I keep thinking there's no way I can get bigger, amazing how skin stretches!!
Sounds like things will be quieting down for you at work and that will be great to be able to go into maternity leave with much less stress than you thought.
All good stuff!!
yay, what a cute belly :) and hoping that you pass your glucose test! my OB just confirmed that I passed mine at my 28 week appt! yay.
and my DH did the same thing when I woke up one morning and said we have less than 10 weeks until she is is crazy how things start to snowball. I just learned that the only birthing class I can take is at 36 weeks because of schedule conflicts and the fact they don't have tons of classes....makes me nervous, but bebe girl needs to stay put anyway.
anyway, so glad you are doing well, and yay for baby gifts and good coworkers.
Youre such a star. Im so happy for yoU@!
Lookin' good! I'm a week behind you, and in spite of no candy habits I've gained about the same amount of weight as you have. That worries me a little, but my doc says we're right on track, so I guess there's some flexibility in that area. Your co-workers sound great- and the timing of the new-hire and the summer return to your "real" work are perfect. Everything falls into place, doesn't it? Happy holidays!
Ahhh...cute pic. How sweet of your co-worker's wife! It really sounds like you do work with amazing people. Most of my attorney friends sound like they work with assholes. And, well, most of my attorney "friends" are low on my friend list because they frequently resemble the same. March will be here very soon.....yeah, better get a move on!
BWUB - you look great! Wouldn't it be funny ( well not really but YKWIM) to not mention to the hubsters how many weeks one is and then say - surprise - guess how many weeks ? yes we are full term today! I know it's not funny but I bet there would be a few ( not yours of course!) who might be surprised!
Your co-workers rock, you rock, you are doing everything right and they are going to miss you when you are on maternity leave! I know another blogger who lives in CA who is getting five months' maternity leave - is that true for you too??? I hope so!
take care and revel in looking fabulous!!!!
Love the belly pics! Your bump is adorable.
And YAY!! on all the other fantastic news!! There's nothing like a stress-free maternity leave.
WOW! Look at you and your gorgeous belly!!!! Thank goodness someone is starting in January to help you out with that stack of papers in your next post (yes, I am a blogging time traveller!!!)
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