Second, I've had a turn of good fortune too.
Those of you who have followed me for a while may remember the dreaded OMC. The Outside Monitoring Clinic. Since my clinic is located so far away from where I live, the OMC (a local IF clinic) performed my b/w and u/s's. They charged me non-contracted rates (read: expensive) for their services, plus a $125 per visit "monitoring fee." They refused to submit anything to my insurance and balked when I submitted the claims myself.
Their position was that since I wasn't "their" patient, they had the right to charge me full price for everything.
Ultimately, after hundreds of phone calls, and fantastic people at my insurance company who went the extra mile on my behalf, the insurance company agreed with ME. All of my b/w and u/s's should have been covered, and all I should have paid was a $25 co-pay per visit. I was not entitled to get back the monitoring fees (amounting to another $1,000), but hey, I wasn't about to be greedy.
I collected my insurance coverage letters, and wrote a nice, professional, stern, lawyerly letter to the OMC, attaching the coverage letters, showing them the math, and telling them, in no uncertain terms, that I expected them to immediately send me a check in the amount of $1,790.
The check arrived in the mail two days ago.
Holy crap. I won.
NICE!!! They know better than to mess with a pregnant woman!!
Way to go! It's always great when you can be rewarded for efforts like that.
That's great! Not only does it feel wonderful to know you're right and be backed up by the insurance company (who is never on our side, right?), but what a great little windfall right before the holidays!
Do something fun!
Awesome! So impressed with you for fighting the system and standing up for your rights -way to go!
GOOD FOR YOU!!! buy something scrumptious for the little one :) or for you....someone :)
hi sweetie! This is a great news and certanly a nice Christmas surprise! Much love, Fran
Winning at ANY time is amazing. But, winning when there is money at stake, and right before the holidays, and while pregnant---WOOHOO!!! Triple score my friend.
Whatever it is you do with that money--enjoy, splurge and love every minute of it!!!
ah shucks - thanks babe
and wow! well done. I hope you have a number of lovely presents for yourself already picked out?
Ahhhhh! Nice job my friend. You sooooo deserved that and Merry Christmas! Those dirty rotten scoundrels at the clinic. Shame. Shame on them.
AWESOME news! Happy early holidays to you! I hope you do something fun with your windfall and good for you for fighting for what was rightfully yours. I likely would have given up a long time ago!
I love this!!! Score one for the little man!
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Good for you! Baby Gap, here you come!!
Well done! Hey- just for curiosity sake: what do you do to maintain yourself right now and get ready for delivery etc? are you a pregnancy yoga lady? Are you doing lamaze? or are you going to? I dont know when the 'training regimine' starts, so I'm just curious about what you and DH's plans are for actually literally having this baby- are you pro epidural or are you going to grin and bear it? Hmmm so many questions!
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