My incision hurts when I laugh that hard.
Two weeks ago I had my first post partum OB appointment. It was with the doctor who assisted in my C-section. I get the sense that she is one of the more senior docs - and perhaps was even a bit insulted that she "assisted" in the surgery while I selected a less senior doc as the primary surgeon. Not sure. Just a hunch.
During the post partum visit, she inspected my incision and said I was recovering right on schedule. Then she said something that made me laugh out loud. I didn't mean to be rude...but...really....
She said, "So have you given any thought to what type of birth control you'd like to use? I suggest the mini pill because it won't interfere with or affect breast feeding."
Yep. I laughed.
Birth control? Is she kidding?
I'll be 44 years old in two weeks. I tried relentlessly to get pregnant since getting married in the fall of 2006. I did get pregnant - twice in 2007 - and within short order miscarried each of them. All the diagnostics, all the exams, all the wands, all the lab results - indicating that my eggs are old, friable, wasted, decrepit, useless little things, if they even exist anymore at all.
And she is worried that I might get pregnant and therefore suggests birth control?
Silly doctor.
All I could muster between guffaws was, "You know this was an ART baby" and she said yes, she knew, but it could happen.
Well, you know what I say? I say that if God now sees fit to grace me with an old fashioned pregnancy, I guess I'll just accept it.
Birth control, smirth control.
And just for the record, it was one year ago today that my DH and I made our first trip to the Clinic to meet the RE and the doctor who would perform the transfer, to get our cycle schedule, and to see photographs of our Baby Bunny's two school-age siblings. One year ago today I began to dream.
Mike got a job and other updates
5 years ago
ha! aren't doctors funny!? ive had obs ask me about bc before too and its entertaining to explain that lesbians dont typically fall pregnant by accident! ;~)
what a happy one-year anniversary to celebrate today. crazy how much can change in 12 months!
That's pretty funny. I wish I had the problem of being over-fertile and needing birth control. What a wonderful 1-year anniversary! Enjoy!
I was so pleased when my newly appointed OB said at my post-partum visit, "I don't suppose you're interested in birth control." My answer was very similar to yours.
Eggs I've got. The rest of it sure as heck doesn't work on its own!
This is just hilarious. I love it. I'm a doc myself. Open mouth, insert foot. I guarantee she was spacing out at that moment.
I've just found your blog! Honey, I hope you're doing fine now. I hope your dream came true! My dh and I were ttc for a very long time. I've got pregnant in 2009 and we thought that finally our prayers were heard. Unfortunately my pregnancy ended with a miscarriage. We've lost our son and it was shocking for whole our family. I couldn’t get back to life for a long time. I’m glad I have my dh. He gave me support I needed the most. We wanted to have kids so much, it was our only dream. Living childless life wasn't a variant for us. We were thinking about adoption at first. But we wanted our child to be genetically related to our family. Still I had some doubts. My dh looked at this procedure positively. It would be his child anyway. I thought I would be just some woman, who will carry a baby. I have a fear, that everyone will notice it's not mine. I thought it will be obvious and people will talk about it... Also I watched a tv show about de ivf. Some children started to look for women, who shared eggs with these kids' mothers. That was so sad. Those mothers didn't deserve such attitude. They made everything possible their children to have all they need and even more. And here is gratitude. But as this procedure was our only solution of our problem, I made a decision to do it. I should say de ivf is a very good option. I had this procedure in 2014. I've got pregnant from first attempt. We were on seventh heaven! Our girls were born in May 2015. We've just celebrated their first birthday. We used Ukrainian clinic BioTexCom. We are happy parents now! I have no regrets. As soon as I knew I'm pregnant all doubts were wiped out. We decided not to tell our daughters we used donor eggs. I think children' mind is not ready for such info. This fact will change nothing for them. The most important is to give them love and care. I consider myself as their only mother. This is everything they need to know.
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Old hag...
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